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Barely Heroes

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About Us:

Bio of the Artist Barely Heroes is a four piece band from Levittown that started in May of 2004. They got off to a slow start when they first began by writing mostly acoustic music. The band was started by lead singer, Shawn Rodgers and lead guitarist, Steve Burns. After writing a few songs between the two of them, Shawn seeked out long time friend, Joe Drum, to join the band and play the bass. The three of them had trouble getting drums into their mix until early 2005. Around the end of February, early March, Steve suggested friend, Tom Monagle, to complete the band with drums. Ever since then, the four have come together to make upbeat and catchy music. Barely Heroes hopes to continue to write and play music that will attrack many fans and hopefully help them break-out into the music world. Until then, they will continue writing and play energenic shows to keep them begging for more. They finished up recording their EP, "Dressed In Savage Sarcasm" at Palisade Studios in New Jersey. They are worked with owner Scott Kammerer. We are also planning to record again this summer, hopefully late June early July. Check back for new music, it's up and coming!

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