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JULIAHN Juliahn Hernandez was born in Hollywood, CA. The son of Cuban immigrants, Juliahn is young, savvy, and an entrepreneur, who has a passion for people. A sports enthusiast and a pilot, Juliahn can be found either on the basketball court, playing golf or flying his airplane. Juliahn believes that living a healthy lifestyle enhances the quality of life. Despite his busy schedule, Juliahn always finds the time to pursue new endeavors. One of them is to develop and create new ideas for Latino television. He believes in not only entertaining, but in giving people the tools necessary to make this world a better place. He believes in helping those who are less fortunate. “They are the ones who really count”. Juliáhn began singing as a boy in churches where his father preached. Since then he travels constantly giving concerts in all of North and South America. Some of the cities he has performed in are: Chicago, San Jose, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento. In El Salvador he performed in front of 20.000 people in 2002. In Honduras with 5000 people in a special national live TV program sponsored by UNICEF. In Mexico “ARPA Prizes” in 2003-2004 in front of 3000 people. Juliahn has realized 3 music productions: " Only believe" , " Through his eyes" and “It breaks Chains” which have been successfully accepted in the world of Christian music. Juliahn has been Receiving several recognitions by its altruist trajectory and has established that to sing with passion from the heart and for the world is so it has been destined.

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