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About Us:

FULL BAND CAN PLAY ANY ASSORTMENT OF INSTRUMENTS, ANY ASSORTMENT OF SONGS. will play any gig, where you hire the stage, and you hire you equipment, and the band hires a driver.

About Us:

FULL BAND CAN PLAY ANY ASSORTMENT OF INSTRUMENTS, ANY ASSORTMENT OF SONGS. will play any gig, where you hire the stage, and you hire you equipment, and the band hires a driver.

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About Us:

Solera Band is able to provide music for any kind of event. They can fit into a small corner in a bar or private party to as large as an open field for a street dance or a huge stadium. They produce the same great sound every time! When you hire Solera Band, you get amazing musicians that not only play well, but entertain the crowd and make your patrons and guests feel like PART OF THE SHOW! Plus, they are affordable! Solera Band always runs specials when booking your first show with them, so call today! Solera Band has received approximately 63 profile views in the last three months.

About Us:

South Dakota Band Leland Harding III and Family Tradition is your band for wedding dances, anniversary dances, birthdays, and all other events. Specializing in Northeastern South Dakota
